Katrín Oddsdóttir

The Legal 500 – The Clients Guide to Law Firms
Reykjavik University, MA in law, autumn 2010. Reykjavik University, BA degree in law, 2010 University of London, MA degree in Underdstanding and Securing Human Rights, 2007. Dublin City University, BA Honours in Journalism, 2001.
Réttur – Aðalsteinsson and Partners from 2008. Elected member of Iceland‘s Constitutional Council in 2011. Landsbanki Íslands, summer 2008. Prison Reform Trust, London 2008. Fiton Advertising Agency, 2004-2006. Frodi Publishing House, 2003-2004. Auturgluggi Local Newspaper, 2002-2003.
Other Activities
Founder and Chair of the Non-governmental Organisation Réttindi barna (e. Children‘s Rights)
Occational lecturer at Reykjavik University in constitutional law, family law and international law. Bifrost University, Human Rights Law Course 2014
Between America and Europe: Does Geographical Location Affect the Legal Culture of Iceland? Co-author with Sigurður Tómas Magnússon, professor at the University of Reykjavík. The article will be published in The Future of Civil Litigation published by Pringer International Publishing in October 2014.