Kári Hólmar Ragnarsson
Harvard Law School, SJD, 2016-2020
Harvard Law School, LLM, 2014-2015, Fulbright scholarship
Attorney to the District Courts, 2009
University of Iceland, Mag. jur. 2009
Universität Wien, Erasmus exchange programme 2009
FÍH School of Music 2008
University of Iceland, BA Law 2007
Hamrahlíð College 2003
Harvard Law School, LLM, 2014-2015, Fulbright scholarship
Attorney to the District Courts, 2009
University of Iceland, Mag. jur. 2009
Universität Wien, Erasmus exchange programme 2009
FÍH School of Music 2008
University of Iceland, BA Law 2007
Hamrahlíð College 2003
University of Iceland – Lecturer 2021-
Réttur – Aðalsteinsson & Partners from 2007
LOGOS legal services 2007
Amnesty International 2006
LOGOS legal services 2007
Amnesty International 2006
Extracurricular activity etc.
Philip C. Jessup International Moot Court Competition, Washington DC 2008
University of Iceland Student Council Vice chairman 2007-2008
University of Iceland Student Paper, Member of editorial board 2005-2006
Hamrahlíð Collage Student Association, President 2002-2003
University of Iceland Student Council Vice chairman 2007-2008
University of Iceland Student Paper, Member of editorial board 2005-2006
Hamrahlíð Collage Student Association, President 2002-2003
University of Iceland, International Human Rights Law 2017-2018
Bifrost University, Human Rights Law Course 2014
Teacher of procedural law, vocational course for obtaining real estate license, Uni.Iceland Continuing Education 2011-2013
University of Iceland Law Faculty, teaching assistant to Professor of tort law 2007
Bifrost University, Human Rights Law Course 2014
Teacher of procedural law, vocational course for obtaining real estate license, Uni.Iceland Continuing Education 2011-2013
University of Iceland Law Faculty, teaching assistant to Professor of tort law 2007
Published articles
The (non-)impact of unimplemented human rights treaties in case-law and potential constitutional amendments], Úlfljótur, Issue 3, 2018.
He who knows moderation knows best – The content of the constitutional proportionality principle, Tímarit Lögréttu, Issue 1-2, 2017.
“False promises of the Disability Association Case? Recent development of social rights adjudication” published in Úlfljótur law review, 2017, issue 1, Vol. 70.
“Council of one’s own choosing” published in Tímarit Lögréttu, 2016, issue 2, Vol. 12.
“Lögrétta and Law Council – Innovations in Constitutional Review in the Proposals of the Constitutional Council” published in Tímarit lögfræðinga 2016, issue 2, Vol. 66.
“The Courts cannot avoid taking a stand: On the judicial protection of economic and social rights” published in Úlfljótur law review, 2009, issue 4, Vol. 62, pp.495-591.
“Electing members of committees and councils at the municipal level, pursuant to the Municipalities Act and the Equal Opportunities Act”) published in Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum X: Lagadeild (Research in Social Science X: Law faculty), 2009, Editor: Trausti Fannar Valsson, pp.173-215.
He who knows moderation knows best – The content of the constitutional proportionality principle, Tímarit Lögréttu, Issue 1-2, 2017.
“False promises of the Disability Association Case? Recent development of social rights adjudication” published in Úlfljótur law review, 2017, issue 1, Vol. 70.
“Council of one’s own choosing” published in Tímarit Lögréttu, 2016, issue 2, Vol. 12.
“Lögrétta and Law Council – Innovations in Constitutional Review in the Proposals of the Constitutional Council” published in Tímarit lögfræðinga 2016, issue 2, Vol. 66.
“The Courts cannot avoid taking a stand: On the judicial protection of economic and social rights” published in Úlfljótur law review, 2009, issue 4, Vol. 62, pp.495-591.
“Electing members of committees and councils at the municipal level, pursuant to the Municipalities Act and the Equal Opportunities Act”) published in Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum X: Lagadeild (Research in Social Science X: Law faculty), 2009, Editor: Trausti Fannar Valsson, pp.173-215.