Sigurður Örn Hilmarsson
Hæstaréttarlögmaður 2017
Héraðsdómslögmaður 2009
Lagadeild Háskóla Íslands, Mag. jur. 2009
Erasmus styrkþegi við lagadeild Kaupmannahafnarháskóla 2008
Lagadeild Háskóla Íslands, BA í lögfræði 2007
Menntaskólinn í Reykjavík 2003
Réttur – Aðalsteinsson & Partners frá 2009
Lögmenn Laugardal 2007-2008
Landsbanki Íslands hf. 2007
Félags- og trúnaðarstörf
Formaður Lögmannafélags Íslands 2021-
Varaformaður Lögmannafélags Íslands 2020-2021
Stjórn Lögmannafélags Íslands 2019-
Stjórn Hitaveitu Eyja- og Miklaholtshrepps ehf. 2014-
Stjórn Félagsstofnunar stúdenta 2009-2014
Stjórn Íslensk-japanska félagsins 2010-2012
Formaður Stúdentaráðs Háskóla Íslands 2006-2007
Oddviti Vöku – félags lýðræðissinnaðra stúdenta 2006-2007
Ritstjórn Stúdentablaðsins 2005-2006
Mennta- og menningarsamtök Íslands og Japan 2004-2005
Inspector scholae í Menntaskólanum í Reykjavík 2002-2003
Kennslu- og rannsóknarstörf
Kennsla við Háskóla Íslands, Háskólann í Reykjavík og Háskólann á Bifröst, þ.m.t.:
- Kennari í réttarfari í löggildingarnámi fasteignasala við Endurmenntun HÍ 2014-
- Úrlausn ágreiningsmála (gerðardómar o.fl.) í HR 2015, 2017, 2019
- Umsjónarkennari í mannréttindum í Háskólanum á Bifröst 2014 og 2016
- Umsjónarkennari í skaðabótarétti í Háskólanum á Bifröst frá 2020
Er nauðsynlegt að skjóta þá? - Úlfljótur 2019, 2. tbl.
Skilyrði almennra takmarkana á eignarrétti: Mörkin milli almennra takmarkana á eignarrétti og bótaskyldra eignarskerðinga. - Meistararitgerð í lögfræði 2009.
Hlutur forseta í löggjafarvaldinu: Er nauðsynlegt að halda þjóðaratkvæðagreiðslu eftir að forseti synjar lögum staðfestingar, skv. 26. gr. stjórnarskrár lýðveldisins Íslands, nr. 33/1944? – BA ritgerð í lögfræði 2007.
Chambers Global 2022:
„Advancing in the rankings, Sigurður Örn Hilmarsson possesses a strong reputation within the Icelandic dispute resolution sphere. His practice encompasses a broad range of expertise, from commercial litigation and employment disputes to human rights and constitutional law cases. He is an exceptionally strong litigator and attorney who is extremely articulate and effective.“
Chambers Europe 2022: „Sigurður Örn Hilmarsson possesses a strong reputation within the Icelandic dispute resolution sphere. His practice encompasses a broad range of expertise, from commercial litigation and employment disputes to human rights and constitutional law cases.“
Legal500 2020: "Réttur – Adalsteinsson & Partners' practice, which is praised for its 'outstanding quality of work and fast responses', is recognised for its expertise acting for individuals in civil and human rights cases relating to equality law and freedom of speech issues; the group is also instructed by companies in corporate law matters, bankruptcy proceedings and trade mark claims. Ragnar Aðalsteinsson, whose experience includes landmark cases in the Supreme Court and the ECHR, recently represented Guðjón Skarphéðinsson in his successful high-profile acquittal, three decades after he was wrongfully convicted; the practice is also pursuing a damages claim against the State for wrongful imprisonment. Sigurður Örn Hilmarsson's expertise spans IP, constitutional law and human rights disputes." Testimonials "We have worked with various members of the team over the past eight years and the service we have received has been consistently strong." "Outstanding quality of work and fast responses."
Chambers Europe 2022: „Sigurður Örn Hilmarsson possesses a strong reputation within the Icelandic dispute resolution sphere. His practice encompasses a broad range of expertise, from commercial litigation and employment disputes to human rights and constitutional law cases.“
Legal500 2020: "Réttur – Adalsteinsson & Partners' practice, which is praised for its 'outstanding quality of work and fast responses', is recognised for its expertise acting for individuals in civil and human rights cases relating to equality law and freedom of speech issues; the group is also instructed by companies in corporate law matters, bankruptcy proceedings and trade mark claims. Ragnar Aðalsteinsson, whose experience includes landmark cases in the Supreme Court and the ECHR, recently represented Guðjón Skarphéðinsson in his successful high-profile acquittal, three decades after he was wrongfully convicted; the practice is also pursuing a damages claim against the State for wrongful imprisonment. Sigurður Örn Hilmarsson's expertise spans IP, constitutional law and human rights disputes." Testimonials "We have worked with various members of the team over the past eight years and the service we have received has been consistently strong." "Outstanding quality of work and fast responses."