Auður Tinna Aðalbjarnardóttir
District Court Attorney, 2017
University of Iceland, Mag. jur., 2016
Tallinn University, summer school on Media Law, 2016
Columbia University, summer programme, 2015
KU Leuven, Erasmus exchange programme, 2014-2015
University of Iceland, BA Law, 2011
Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlíð College, 2008
University of Iceland, Mag. jur., 2016
Tallinn University, summer school on Media Law, 2016
Columbia University, summer programme, 2015
KU Leuven, Erasmus exchange programme, 2014-2015
University of Iceland, BA Law, 2011
Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlíð College, 2008
ITTF, International Table Tennis Umpire, 2020
ITTF, Level 2 Coach Education for table tennis, 2017-2018
ITTF, Level 1 Coach Education for table tennis, 2011-2012
Réttur – Aðalsteinsson & Partners 2015-
KR Table Tennis Club, coach 2010-
Assistant question writer for national TV quiz show “Útsvar”, 2015-2016
Icelandic teacher for CVO Handelsschool, Aalst, Belgium, 2014-2015
Content Editor for QuizUp at Plain Vanilla Games, 2014
Coach for Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlíð College’s “Gettu betur” quiz show team, 2011-2014
KR Table Tennis Club, coach 2010-
Assistant question writer for national TV quiz show “Útsvar”, 2015-2016
Icelandic teacher for CVO Handelsschool, Aalst, Belgium, 2014-2015
Content Editor for QuizUp at Plain Vanilla Games, 2014
Coach for Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlíð College’s “Gettu betur” quiz show team, 2011-2014
Other activities
Board member of the Icelandic Bar Association’s Education Fund 2021-
Board member of the Icelandic Table Tennis Federation’s Development Committee 2020-
Reserve board member of the Icelandic Student Services 2019-
Board member of the Icelandic Table Tennis Federation 2016-2020
Team member for the city of Reykjavík in national TV quiz show “Útsvar”, 2011-2014 and 2018-2019Board member of KR Table Tennis Club, 2011-2018
Project manager for “Æfingabúðir fyrir Gettu betur stelpur”, 2013-2015
Member and board member of the Students’ Council of the University of Iceland, 2012-2013
Team member for Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlíð College in national TV quiz show “Gettu betur”, 2008-2011
Board member of the Icelandic Table Tennis Federation’s Development Committee 2020-
Reserve board member of the Icelandic Student Services 2019-
Board member of the Icelandic Table Tennis Federation 2016-2020
Team member for the city of Reykjavík in national TV quiz show “Útsvar”, 2011-2014 and 2018-2019Board member of KR Table Tennis Club, 2011-2018
Project manager for “Æfingabúðir fyrir Gettu betur stelpur”, 2013-2015
Member and board member of the Students’ Council of the University of Iceland, 2012-2013
Team member for Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlíð College in national TV quiz show “Gettu betur”, 2008-2011
Teaching and research positions
Part-time teacher for International Human Rights Law (LÖG111F) at the University of Iceland, 2021
Part-time teacher for Diversity and Inclusion in Organizations (VIÐ288F) at the University of Iceland, 2021
External examiner at Bifröst University, 2020 and 2021
Instructor for Orator’s Moot Court Competition, 2020
Thesis instructor for the UN’s Gender Equality Studies and Training Programme, 2019 og 2020
Teaching assistant for the course “Foundation of Philosopy” for the University of Iceland Law Faculty, 2015
Part-time teacher for Diversity and Inclusion in Organizations (VIÐ288F) at the University of Iceland, 2021
External examiner at Bifröst University, 2020 and 2021
Instructor for Orator’s Moot Court Competition, 2020
Thesis instructor for the UN’s Gender Equality Studies and Training Programme, 2019 og 2020
Teaching assistant for the course “Foundation of Philosopy” for the University of Iceland Law Faculty, 2015
“Rannsóknarreglan, foreldrahlutverkið og fatlað fólk – Ályktanir af H 21/2019”, Úlfljótur Law Review, 4. ed. 2020 with Sigrún Ingibjörg Gísladóttir
“Hæstiréttur 100 ára: Jafnrétti og fjölbreytni við skipan dómara”, Orator’s Celebratory Magazine 2020 with Claudia Ashanie Wilson
“Jafnrétti innflytjenda á atvinnumarkaði – Jafnir möguleikar innflytjenda á atvinnu hjá hinu opinbera”, report published in 2019 with Claudia Ashanie Wilson
“Stjórnarskrár eftir stríðsátök”, Úlfljótur Law Review, 2. ed. 2018
“Quantity Does Not Equal Quality – United Nations Constitutional Assistance and Human Rights Protection in Post-conflict Situations” – ML thesis 2016
“Hæstiréttur 100 ára: Jafnrétti og fjölbreytni við skipan dómara”, Orator’s Celebratory Magazine 2020 with Claudia Ashanie Wilson
“Jafnrétti innflytjenda á atvinnumarkaði – Jafnir möguleikar innflytjenda á atvinnu hjá hinu opinbera”, report published in 2019 with Claudia Ashanie Wilson
“Stjórnarskrár eftir stríðsátök”, Úlfljótur Law Review, 2. ed. 2018
“Quantity Does Not Equal Quality – United Nations Constitutional Assistance and Human Rights Protection in Post-conflict Situations” – ML thesis 2016