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Áfangaskýrsla Réttar um samfélagslega ábyrgð

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Í byrjun september skilaði Réttur inn áfangaskýrslu til UN Global Compact, sem eru stærstu samtök heims sem stuðla að ábyrgum viðskiptum. Skýrslan hefur nú verið birt á heimasíðu samtakanna, en þar segir m.a.:

At the core of the firm’s operation is the respect and protection of human rights and dignity. As a global citizen, Réttur – Aðalsteinsson & Partners firmly believe that advancing on our sustainability practices is essential to our growth and longevity. We have therefore taken various steps throughout the year of 2014-2015, aimed at further integrating the Global Compact and its principles into our business strategy, culture and operations.

Þá segir:

Throughout the year of 2014, Réttur – Aðalsteinsson & Partners encouraged and supported active participation of our employees in all initiatives aimed at maintaining and enhancing knowledge and respect for human rights. Réttur – Aðalsteinsson & Partners employees’ have undertaken active roles as adjunct professors, delivered guest lectures, at law schools and universities, namely Bifröst university, University of Iceland, Reykjavik University and the University of Akureyri. Our employees have also organized and participated in seminars, including Amnesty International’s seminar on the UN Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, as well as authored various articles on human rights. Our employees furthermore influenced the legislative process for legislation affecting human rights, for example by way of consultation with parliamentary representatives as well as submitted observations on legislative bills to parliament.

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