Lögmanni ber að efla rétt og hrinda órétti – 1. gr. siðareglna lögmanna
Réttur hefur hlotið alþjóðlegar viðurkenningar fyrir fagmennsku og gæði í lögmannsstörfum. Nýlega var stofan metin fremst í flokki íslenskra lögmannsstofa á sviði málflutnings og ágreiningsmála af alþjóðlegum matsfyrirtækjum sem gera óháðar úttektir á bestu lögmannsstofum um heim allan.
Þá hefur Réttur jafnframt fengið alþjóðlegar viðurkenningar fyrir störf stofunnar, m.a. á eftirfarandi sviðum:
- Fjármögnun og fjármálaréttur
- Hugverka- og upplýsingatækni
- Fjárhagsleg endurskipulagning og gjaldþrotaréttur
Auk lögbundinna skyldna lögmanna á Rétti starfa allir starfsmenn stofunnar eftir stefnu sem stofan hefur markað sér í því skyni að hafa jákvæð og uppbyggileg áhrif á samfélagið, bæði heima og að heiman. Réttur hefur einsett sér að vera leiðandi meðal lögmannsstofa við að innleiða samfélagslega ábyrgð í öllum störfum stofunnar, bæði að því er varðar innviði stofunnar og samskipti stofunnar við viðskiptavini og aðra samstarfsaðila.

Legal 500
Í umsögn Legal 500 segir m.a.:
„Headed by the ‘very experienced’ Ragnar Aðalsteinsson, Réttur – Adalsteinsson & Partners’ three-partner team has successfully broadened its practice beyond human rights cases, handling corporate and finance disputes including numerous matters related to the banking crisis. Sigríður Rut Júlíusdóttir, who has ‘a really good overview of Icelandic court precedents and ongoing court proceedings’, has successfully represented defendants in rescission litigation related to the collapsed banks, and also has a good reputation for freedom of speech cases. Kári Hólmar Ragnarsson is ‘very commercial in an international context’ and provides ‘clear, client-focused advice’. The ‘flexible and skilled’ Ragnar Aðalsteinsson is ‘quick to wrap his head around complex ideas’, and recently acted for DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale in a high-profile damages case against the Icelandic government over the collapse of Glitnir Bank.“ – Sjá meira.
Í umsögn Chambers Europe segir m.a.:
„Réttur is known for its strong dispute resolution team, which is composed of talented and experienced litigators with diverse backgrounds, allowing the firm to represent a range of clients in most areas of the law.
In recent years, Réttur’s team has litigated a defence on behalf of international actors in rescission cases launched by the winding up committees of the fallen Icelandic banks. These cases have been highly complicated and involved cross-border and jurisdictional disagreements, as well as unprecedented Icelandic legal issues.
The team regularly represented individuals and companies alike in highly publicized court cases in Iceland. Many of these are leading cases in the field of human rights and the firm’s partners’ have taken a number of cases to the European Court of Human Rights. Most notably in recent years, Réttur’s team has focused on high profile cases relating to freedom of speech, the right to privacy and health care.“ – Sjá meira.
Í umsögn Chambers Global segir m.a.:
„Réttur – Aðalsteinsson & Partners has a well-regarded dispute resolution team handling a diverse caseload. The law firm assists with commercial litigation, employment disputes and real estate issues. The lawyers also have noteworthy expertise in human rights, constitutional and criminal law cases. The department represents companies as well as private individuals. & “The lawyers have a high degree of commercial understanding and awareness. They are able and willing to work fast and efficiently.” & “The law firm has a broad team with vast practical experience.”